11.   The policy of maintaining an adequate supply of land for housing can be difficult to reconcile with policies relating to green belts and the safeguarding of agricultural land.

12.   Could she tell the House what action is being taken to ensure an adequate supply of suitably trained teachers to deliver this important and sensitive subject?

13.   And Russia has adequate supply, enough to carry them over until the second quarter of next year.

14.   And the city still has a more than adequate supply of water for the foreseeable future.

15.   As prices rose, though, traders were forced to buy futures contracts to ensure adequate supplies.

16.   At the same time, the plan is supposed to ensure an adequate supply of fresh water for cities and farms.

17.   Besides, even if California had an adequate supply of natural gas, disasters could occur there at any moment.

18.   Boxer has asked the FTC to require major oil companies to maintain an adequate supply of fuel in California, so that prices can be held down during emergencies.

19.   -- Citgo Petroleum Corp. will forgo scheduled maintenance on a catalytic cracker in order to ensure adequate supplies.

20.   A major reason for the spread in poorer countries appears to be that hospitals often lack adequate supplies of needles and syringes, making their reuse necessary.

a. + supply >>共 909
medical 11.85%
short 6.15%
emergency 3.38%
humanitarian 2.87%
new 2.72%
ample 2.19%
tight 2.10%
adequate 1.91%
military 1.68%
limited 1.46%
adequate + n. >>共 690
supply 5.27%
protection 3.70%
security 2.77%
care 2.10%
food 1.80%
resource 1.47%
time 1.43%
safeguard 1.37%
facility 1.20%
support 1.17%
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