11.   Familial adenomatous polyposis has only recently been shown by clinical and molecular studies to encompass the two conditions formerly known as Gardner syndrome and polyposis coli.

12.   Even after Cell Pathways completed its research, the FDA decided last September not to approve the drug as a treatment for that disease, familial adenomatous polyposis.

13.   In colon cancer, familial adenomatous polyposis is very strongly associated with the FAP gene, but it is a rare defect.

14.   Familial adenomatous polyposis, or FAP, is an insidious inherited disease that causes hundreds of polyps to carpet the large intestine and rectum as early as adolescence.

a. + polyposis >>共 3
familial 50.00%
adenomatous 46.67%
juvenile 3.33%
adenomatous + n. >>共 4
polyp 56.76%
polyposis 37.84%
mucosa 2.70%
tissue 2.70%
每页显示:    共 14