11.   They also act by binding to class II MHC molecules and stimulating large numbers of T cells through their V elements.

12.   What Y said may be right, even though Y fails to act by it.

13.   Other ZNF proteins have been shown to bind DNA at specific promoter sites, and they probably act by regulating gene activity.

14.   And if C-TEC wants to complete such a deal, it will have a better case than a company that failed to act by Tuesday night.

15.   And they argue, on nationalistic grounds, that failure to act by Fiat and Mediobanca would have meant the sellout of some of the companies involved to non-Italians.

16.   As acted by Humana veterans V Craig Heidenreich, William McNulty and Bob Burrus, these three characters grab the audience and never let go.

17.   A better solution, many allergists say, is one of the anti-inflammatory nasal sprays that act by a different mechanism.

18.   A strong environmental thread runs through the whole story, which is politically correct to a fault and horribly acted by hammy, over-rouged teen-agers.

19.   Acting by voice vote, the panel, dominated by conservative members, overwhelmingly rejected a proposal to have the party remain silent on abortion.

20.   All of this for a transplanted native of Bethlehem, Pa., who discovered acting by accident as a psychology major at Pennsylvania State University.

v. + by >>共 1204
direct 1.69%
be 1.60%
speak 1.28%
begin 1.28%
win 1.21%
write 1.19%
judge 1.07%
start 1.05%
produce 1.01%
do 0.98%
act 0.15%
act + p. >>共 100
in 28.40%
like 20.13%
with 8.63%
against 8.12%
out_of 3.90%
without 3.34%
under 3.21%
on_behalf_of 2.96%
at 2.96%
after 2.70%
by 2.01%
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