11.   People will act according to higher motives.

12.   The hope however is that once the indignation subsides, the Chinese will act according to their interests.

13.   The peacekeepers insist that they are merely acting according to the agreement signed by their commander, Lt. Gen. Michael Jackson, in June.

14.   The rebels, however, are not acting according to the Russian script.

15.   They did not act according to international law.

16.   They acted according to the law of the jungle.

17.   An embassy official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the security officers had acted according to procedure.

18.   An embassy spokesman was quoted in the Berliner Morgenpost newspaper as saying that security officers had acted according to procedure.

19.   At a news conference later, Mahathir said the foreign media would continue to criticize his government although it acted according to the law.

20.   Aziz stopped short of predicting that terrorism could be a possible response, but said individuals should act according to their own judgment.

v. + accord >>共 447
be 6.79%
act 2.77%
calculate 2.64%
make 2.50%
pay 2.31%
say 2.11%
classify 1.91%
do 1.85%
vote 1.71%
rank 1.65%
act + v. >>共 296
prevent 9.24%
protect 7.61%
stop 5.22%
accord 4.57%
ensure 1.85%
end 1.85%
make 1.63%
save 1.52%
reduce 1.52%
halt 1.41%
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