11.   The Murrays were providing child care in their home for five to eight children at a time without a license, according to state day-care regulators.

12.   The plan would cover birth-control drugs or devices, according to state health officials.

13.   The strawberries were processed last spring by Andrew and Williamson Sales of San Diego, according to state health officials.

14.   The ticket was sold Wednesday night at a Pic-N-Pac store in Ballinger, according to state lottery officials.

15.   The vice president holds about a four-fold lead over former New Jersey Sen. Bill Bradley in Georgia, according to state Democratic Party polls.

16.   The ticket was sold Wednesday night at the Pic-N-Pac store in Ballinger, according to state lottery officials.

17.   There are no known cases of illness in New York, according to state health officials.

18.   Today, that situation is almost reversed, according to state social service officials.

19.   According to state TV, Ugljanin met with Bosnian Premier Haris Silajdzic and Parliament deputies, and was told that Bosnia may take up his request in international talks.

20.   All international and inter-city trains were running, according to state railroad director Krzysztof Supa, who predicted that the situation should not worsen.

v. + state >>共 45
accord 30.77%
transfer 7.69%
link 4.40%
present 3.30%
distribute 2.20%
conform 2.20%
be 2.20%
belong 2.20%
clear 2.20%
release 2.20%
accord + v. >>共 228
press 20.31%
police 12.54%
plan 10.54%
state 3.11%
people 3.00%
witness 2.00%
coach 1.89%
form 1.66%
interfax 1.33%
rescue 1.22%
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