11.   The accord will provide those governments with the same documents that are being sent to California and other states.

12.   The European Banking Federation spokesman said the accord will provide impetus for further talks to liberalize the services industry being carried out at the WTO.

13.   The Dayton accord provides for a Muslim-Croat federation as one of the two component parts of Bosnia, the other being a separate Serb administration.

14.   The Dayton accords provided for elections.

15.   The other four accords provide for cooperation in fighting organized crime, preventing illegal immigration, promoting tourism and protecting the Aegean environment.

16.   The White House insists that the budget accord provides major new protection for low-income people against higher Medicare premiums.

17.   Akashi said the accord provides for establishment of a central joint commission to oversee the separation of forces.

18.   Although the peace accords provide for free movement among the three ethnic entities of Bosnia-Herzegovina, reality is a different matter.

19.   Coronas said the accord also provides for the exchange of information and expertise, but gave no further details.

20.   Garrod claimed Bosnian Croat officials agreed to the return and said the Dayton peace accord provides for free return of refugees.

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accord + v. >>共 388
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