11.   But Dutch researchers, in an accompanying editorial, stressed that many couples are too quick to assume they are infertile.

12.   Dr. Wise Young, a professor of neurosurgery, physiology and neuroscience at New York University, who wrote an accompanying editorial in Science, also was impressed.

13.   In an accompanying editorial, a Canadian researcher commented that there are few medical options for treatment of sexual deviants in the United States.

14.   In an accompanying editorial, however, two University of Washington doctors voiced caution.

15.   In an accompanying editorial, however, University of Chicago researcher Dr. John C. Bailar III noted that he was disturbed by one finding of the federal audit.

16.   In an accompanying editorial, two specialists called the results disturbing.

17.   In the longer run, an accompanying editorial said, the study could help determine which medicines might be most effective for patients exhibiting one pattern or another.

18.   The authors of both papers and an accompanying editorial stressed that standard infection control procedures are usually effective.

19.   The better journals, Brett noted, also run accompanying editorials that are more reader-friendly than the articles they discuss.

20.   The elderly in part may be fueling that trend themselves, an accompanying editorial suggests.

a. + editorial >>共 125
accompanying 16.07%
front-page 14.75%
recent 7.87%
critical 3.61%
angry 1.97%
lead 1.97%
separate 1.64%
scathing 1.64%
first 1.64%
worded 1.31%
accompanying + n. >>共 463
editorial 5.21%
article 4.15%
chart 2.77%
text 2.23%
photo 1.70%
commentary 1.60%
letter 1.28%
statement 1.17%
music 1.06%
photograph 1.06%
每页显示:    共 49