111.   Last year, Weld named to the court Charles Fried, a white male whose conservative stands on some issues troubled several advocacy groups.

112.   Let X stand for white males, poverty, lack of self-esteem, or any of a host of bogeymen.

113.   Lewis said he and the only white male in the group, Jim Zwerg, ended up against a wall and were hit savagely.

114.   Many white males in Houston and elsewhere were reluctant to discuss race.

115.   Many white males resent competition from women and from black and Hispanic males, and many women and minority males feel unfairly discriminated against.

116.   Mertz said he has been several times passed over for civil rights jobs because he is a white male.

117.   Most are middle-aged white males.

118.   Nearly three quarters of black male teen-agers who killed themselves used guns, the most common weapon for white males as well.

119.   Most often those killed were white males, but black males made up a disproportionate number of the deaths.

120.   Most were transformed into bitter, disappointed white males.

a. + male >>共 408
white 18.98%
young 9.40%
black 7.30%
adult 5.97%
alpha 3.56%
american 2.41%
dominant 1.84%
african-american 1.59%
angry 1.46%
the 1.21%
white + n. >>共 1100
man 4.44%
shirt 2.73%
woman 2.16%
wine 1.88%
people 1.57%
male 1.30%
powder 1.19%
farmer 1.18%
hair 1.05%
student 0.96%
每页显示:    共 297