111.   In addition, teachers said the proposal could have caused chaos in schools.

112.   In a typical class, the teachers sit on the floor with the boys, reading to them in Arabic, and the boys repeat what the teachers say.

113.   In class, teachers said they avoid the political rhetoric and instead focus on the legal wrangling.

114.   In fact, teachers themselves say that the anti-bias programs are teaching them as well.

115.   In many ways, teachers say, the system is stacked against collaboration and fosters mistrust.

116.   In some cases the district even has thrown up barriers which has delayed motivated school staffs from getting their computers on-line, teachers say.

117.   In study hall, any student could call on him for assistance, regardless of their age or the subject, teachers said.

118.   In the schools, teachers said they are sharing as much as they can about a test most of them have not seen.

119.   In Wilkes, where students had been reading way below the national average, teachers say they were eager to try something new.

120.   In the beginning my teacher said my voice was very delicate and she taught me how to utilize two of the muscles in it.

n. + say >>共 480
official 17.88%
police 6.16%
analyst 4.36%
report 3.78%
source 3.33%
spokesman 3.05%
company 2.65%
expert 2.16%
authority 1.82%
government 1.60%
teacher 0.08%
teacher + v. >>共 886
be 13.76%
say 6.28%
have 4.78%
tell 2.28%
take 1.73%
use 1.62%
ask 1.43%
go 1.29%
teach 1.20%
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