111.   The student also must attend monthly counseling sessions.

112.   The students attended classes at Paul Laurence Dunbar Community High School in Baltimore, and stayed with host families who have children at the school.

113.   The students must attend private, historically black colleges and universities.

114.   The student attended a Catholic church where the prayers, which she had memorized, had always been recited in Latin.

115.   The study found that performance varied with the education level of parents, race, and whether the students attend public or private school.

116.   The university that the students will attend will differ in important ways from the one that went into recess when the U.S. bombing began in October.

117.   This week the Florida Legislature approved the first statewide school voucher plan in the nation, allowing some students to attend private and parochial schools at public expense.

118.   Though more wealthy students may be attending public colleges, they are still a fraction of the enrollment.

119.   Though the three infected students attended a total of just two schools, the vaccinations will involve six, because of regional links like interschool busing and athletics.

120.   Twenty-two students attended the camp at the Bruce R. Watkins Cultural Heritage Center.

n. + attend >>共 646
child 6.40%
student 4.62%
official 4.19%
people 3.90%
thousand 3.58%
leader 3.55%
member 2.99%
representative 2.75%
president 2.56%
hundred 2.48%
student + v. >>共 919
be 10.57%
say 4.47%
have 3.98%
take 2.79%
learn 2.10%
get 1.44%
go 1.25%
do 1.10%
come 1.02%
use 1.02%
attend 0.94%
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