111.   Sawyer asked Jackson if he would take steps to protect himself from future allegations, such as ending his sleep-overs with children.

112.   Since his claim arose, Dublin has taken steps to protect the Lusitania wreck site as a national treasure.

113.   Since then, power grid and satellite operators have taken steps to protect their systems.

114.   That narrow victory came after Republican leaders promised lawmakers from states with a large textile sector that Congress would take steps to protect the industry.

115.   The administration has already take some recent steps to protect immigrant workers.

116.   The fund is trying to persuade governments around the world to take more steps to protect those forests that remain untouched.

117.   The group asked Interior Minister Carlos Corach to take immediate steps to protect its members.

118.   The government should take steps to protect Thai interests, but international standards involving business dealings and international laws and codes of conduct should be respected, he said.

119.   The IRS also said in its response that it had taken steps to better protect taxpayer privacy this year.

120.   The London-based human rights organization urged Lebanese authorities to take immediate steps to protect women accused of political and major criminal offenses.

n. + protect >>共 864
law 7.53%
step 4.84%
government 3.52%
action 2.18%
police 2.11%
force 2.00%
troop 1.45%
precaution 1.21%
vaccine 1.17%
company 1.17%
step + v. >>共 801
be 31.70%
improve 2.27%
protect 2.05%
include 1.86%
prevent 1.81%
ensure 1.80%
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