111.   Each side also can challenge whether the proper person signed a particular proxy form.

112.   FIS general secretary Gianfranco Kaspar said skiers will sign the form once they understand it.

113.   Fliers with information about the sex offender were given only to those who signed a form pledging to keep it confidential.

114.   Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, the Salvation Army and other charities are often allowed to collect donations if they sign forms.

115.   He said participation today is strictly voluntary, and participants must sign consent forms.

116.   In short, I was expected to take care of everything concerning buying a motorcycle from the second a customer signed the forms.

117.   Jennifer Graham, a senior from Newport News, Va., signed a form accepting her loan award.

118.   Joan Jessome, president of the Nova Scotia Government Employees Union, denied anyone in the union is being intimidated into signing resignation forms.

119.   Khalani met with a Palestinian lawyer representing the offices, who signed a form swearing the offices had no connection to the Authority.

120.   Linda Conrad, a Department of Energy employee who shared the town house and computer with Trulock, had signed a form consenting to the search.

v. + form >>共 744
take 17.97%
regain 3.67%
have 3.19%
sign 3.08%
use 2.95%
fill_out 2.23%
find 1.86%
include 1.31%
file 1.16%
show 1.09%
sign + n. >>共 387
agreement 23.07%
contract 9.29%
treaty 5.66%
accord 5.10%
bill 4.70%
deal 3.39%
autograph 3.28%
document 2.68%
letter 1.99%
memorandum 1.70%
form 0.72%
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