111.   Spokesmen for Safeway and the United Food and Commercial Workers union declined to reveal the details.

112.   Starting last Saturday, Pataki administration officials have been revealing scattered details about the first group of projects to be financed by bond act money.

113.   Telefonica is expected to reveal details of the deal on Friday.

114.   The businessman, William Ping Chen, has been held since Monday by Shanghai police, who have declined to reveal details of the allegations.

115.   The camera restlessly roves deserted spaces, revealing resonant details without dwelling on them.

116.   The businessman, William Ping Chen, is being held by Shanghai police, who have declined to reveal details of the allegations.

117.   The company and the Bankers Trust spokesman in New York declined to reveal details of the settlement.

118.   The family refused to reveal details.

119.   The images are superior to CT scans because they can reveal greater detail of soft tissue and fluids.

120.   The large photos also reveal construction details of Kennedy dresses that appear to be simple.

v. + detail >>共 314
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provide 15.17%
release 5.68%
discuss 4.98%
disclose 4.04%
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offer 3.07%
reveal 2.66%
announce 1.82%
work_out 1.77%
reveal + n. >>共 1410
detail 8.33%
name 4.12%
identity 4.00%
secret 2.72%
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