111.   A second body was sighted but rescuers were unable to get to it before it disappeared in heavy seas.

112.   An AFP photographer at the site said rescuers were able to talk to the survivors through a hole driven into a collapsed elevator shaft.

113.   Two ships responded, but rescuers were unable to reach the area in time, officials said.

114.   ITAR-TASS quoted Shoygu as saying that the rescuers would be under his personal direction.

115.   Officials said rescuers were slow to respond in several regions because of blocked roads and poor visibility.

116.   Officials said rescuers were slow to respond in several regions becausse of blocked roads and poor visibility.

117.   Police, fire department and Red Cros rescuers were on the scene.

118.   Rescuers were able to recover only seven bodies from the two accident sites.

119.   Rescuers were on the scene, but further details were not immediately available.

120.   Rescuers were still at the scene Saturday afternoon.

n. + be >>共 1635
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rescuer 0%
rescuer + v. >>共 300
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say 6.58%
be 6.14%
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