111.   Fuji, which referred questions to the Defense Agency, notes that in the case of the fighter-trainers, it offered a lower price than Pilatus.

112.   Gingrich spokeswoman Lauren Sims referred questions regarding IDs to the Sergeant at Arms office, which issues them.

113.   Goodwin has referred all questions to her lawyer, Michael Nussbaum, who did not return calls seeking comment.

114.   Goldberg referred questions to his spokeswoman, Kathryn St. John.

115.   Griffin referred questions to his lawyer, Charles Babcock.

116.   Gresham referred questions about the Narnia publishing plans to HarperCollins, declining to discuss the memo about distancing Narnia books from Christian themes.

117.   Griffin declined to comment on the case, referring questions to his lawyer.

118.   He declined to discuss why the article had been canceled and referred all questions to Flicker.

119.   He declined to elaborate on the transaction, referring questions to Castiglioni and his brother Gianfranco.

120.   He referred all questions to Astra spokesman Kincannon.

v. + question >>共 409
answer 24.53%
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pose 1.81%
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address 1.64%
field 1.37%
refer + n. >>共 238
question 21.99%
case 12.33%
matter 8.27%
call 7.48%
patient 6.19%
inquiry 4.67%
issue 2.12%
reporter 1.66%
query 1.62%
complaint 1.39%
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