111.   The rebel casualties were not immediately known in the attack at Nakarkoyil in the guerrilla-held Jaffna Peninsula, a military spokesman said on condition of anonymity.

112.   The rebel casualties were their heaviest since guerrilla leaders declared the cease-fire in December.

113.   The Russian military estimated rebel casualties to number in the hundreds.

114.   The Russian military estimates rebel casualties to number in the hundreds and separatist spokesmen say several hundred Russian troops have been killed.

115.   The soldiers fired back, but the rebel casualties were not immediately discovered.

116.   The Russian military estimated rebel casualties to number hundreds.

117.   The troops had retaliated, but there were no immediate reports of any rebel casualties, officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

118.   The soldiers returned fire but rebel casualties were not known immediately.

119.   The soldiers fired back, but the rebel casualties are not immediately known.

120.   The statement made no mention of rebel casualties.

n. + casualty >>共 122
rebel 32.37%
guerrilla 9.13%
government 7.69%
army 5.77%
battle 3.53%
war 3.04%
troop 3.04%
battlefield 2.24%
coalition 1.44%
police 1.28%
rebel + n. >>共 482
leader 16.02%
group 11.08%
force 5.07%
attack 4.07%
fighter 3.69%
commander 3.23%
stronghold 3.21%
movement 2.55%
position 2.14%
soldier 1.82%
casualty 1.05%
每页显示:    共 201