111.   Israeli media, quoting hospital spokesmen, said at least two people had died.

112.   It quoted a spokesman for Russian authorities in Chechnya as saying that the operation had been successful.

113.   ITAR-TASS news agency quoted a spokesman for pro-Moscow Chechen leader Doku Zavgayev as saying that most Russian troops would indeed be gone by the end of September.

114.   ITAR-TASS news agency quoted Yeltsin spokesman Viachislav Kostikov as saying there were no plans to storm the capital.

115.   Moscow was particularly concerned over reports of high civilian casualties, Interfax news agency quoted the spokesman as saying.

116.   Meanwhile General Lebed himself said a parliamentary vote on the accord would help resolve the deep Russian divide over the deal, Interfax quoted his spokesman as saying Wednesday.

117.   Most of the injured were schoolchildren, the spokesman was quoted by Interfax news agency as saying.

118.   Nothing was immediately known about the fate of the pilots, but it was unlikely that they survived the crashes, the spokesman was quoted as saying.

119.   One policeman and one guard were killed in the assassination attempt, the radio said, quoting the spokesman.

120.   Rakhmonov will leave Copenhagen Monday, where he is attending the UN world summit on social development, for Islamabad, ITAR-Tass quoted the spokesman as saying.

v. + spokesman >>共 171
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police 1.32%
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quote + n. >>共 566
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