111.   The president has accused the Cabinet of failing to deal with pressing economic problems, including mounting back wages, faulty tax collection and corruption.

112.   This would allow the pressing problems of unemployment in the European Union to be tackled head on.

113.   Wage arrears have been one of the most pressing problems facing the Russian government, which has fallen months behind in the payment of salaries and pensions.

114.   Will the controversy now end so that he can return his attention to pressing political problems?

115.   Yeltsin demanded the Cabinet shakeup Tuesday after accusing the government of failing to deal with pressing economic problems, including mounting back wages, faulty tax collection and corruption.

116.   Among macroeconomic issues, unemployment will be the most important question as it has become a pressing problem especially in Europe, the Asahi said.

117.   And for many people facing several weeks out of their homes, the most pressing problem is the upheaval in their daily routines.

118.   Among the most pressing problems facing people living in the camps were malnutrition, lack of water and sanitation and health complications, the statement said.

119.   But it is the breakdown of relations between supporters and players which must be the pressing problem for Cragnotti.

120.   But Pastukhov said the most pressing initial problem was to stop the fighting.

a. + problem >>共 705
serious 4.46%
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major 3.48%
financial 2.66%
biggest 2.34%
technical 1.95%
only 1.92%
big 1.91%
potential 1.91%
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pressing 0.34%
pressing + n. >>共 181
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concern 8.53%
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