111.   Political dissent is tightly controlled in Indonesia.

112.   Political dissent provokes similar suspicion.

113.   Rights activists say the ban suppresses political dissent and violates the right to freedom of expression.

114.   Rights groups and the opposition say authorities have produced no evidence to support the claims and accuse the government of abusing the law to stifle political dissent.

115.   Riots and violence are not new to Ibadan, which has been a center for political dissent over the years.

116.   Shuskevich, interviewed by the Russian NTV network on Tuesday, said the letter smacked of Soviet-era use of psychiatry against political dissent.

117.   Singapore has been criticized abroad for its hard line against political dissent, and for stifling opposition with libel suits.

118.   Suharto allows little political dissent and insulting him is a crime.

119.   The agency once was a government tool for suppressing political dissent.

120.   The Agency for National Security Planning once was a government tool for suppressing political dissent.

a. + dissent >>共 169
political 27.15%
internal 7.45%
public 5.96%
peaceful 3.31%
separate 2.81%
open 2.48%
growing 1.99%
stifling 1.99%
stinging 1.66%
lone 1.49%
political + n. >>共 919
party 6.88%
leader 2.98%
prisoner 1.59%
analyst 1.43%
system 1.09%
reform 1.07%
crisis 1.03%
opponent 0.97%
career 0.97%
issue 0.93%
dissent 0.18%
每页显示:    共 163