111.   People have a whole concept of the tribe, of the other, of being together.

112.   People have dual roles in society as producers and consumers.

113.   People have good visual memories, though.

114.   People have no faith in new technology.

115.   People have plenty of warnings in their everyday lives.

116.   People have prefabs with big gardens.

117.   People have quite the wrong idea about vampires, you see.

118.   People have such genes because those that employed criteria of beauty left more descendants than those that did not.

119.   People have this image of me as some kind of monster.

120.   People have to be executed, removed from the gene pool.

n. + have >>共 1318
company 3.47%
government 1.92%
team 1.89%
people 1.78%
country 1.14%
state 0.96%
official 0.95%
man 0.88%
player 0.88%
woman 0.87%
people + v. >>共 719
be 13.89%
have 4.14%
die 3.56%
say 2.67%
think 2.15%
want 2.12%
get 1.42%
go 1.34%
come 1.33%
take 1.32%
每页显示:    共 3503