111.   New Jersey officials Wednesday welcomed Chase Manhattan Bank to Jersey City.

112.   No government official welcomed him at the airport, and graffiti in many places in the city told him to go home.

113.   Officials welcomed the decision to release the officers, whose capture prompted President Joseph Estrada to suspend peace talks with the NDF and withdraw safety guarantees for rebel negotiators.

114.   Palestinian and Israeli officials welcomed aspects of the resolution.

115.   Palestinian officials Saturday welcomed the reported decision of an American Jewish millionaire to postpone a controversial housing project in an Arab neighborhood in Jerusalem.

116.   Pentagon officials have welcomed negotiations to end a four-month rebel insurgency in Macedonia that is being brokered by NATO and European Union officials.

117.   Ridge said citizens and government officials will welcome a unified system, even if it leads to red-level warnings.

118.   Senior Pacific Rim trade officials on Wednesday welcomed their agreement to broaden the next round of world trade talks.

119.   Soccer officials welcomed the decision.

120.   South Korean officials welcomed the Albright trip.

n. + welcome >>共 576
official 7.12%
government 6.14%
investor 4.52%
leader 3.99%
group 3.34%
analyst 2.32%
company 2.16%
market 1.99%
people 1.83%
country 1.59%
official + v. >>共 435
say 47.50%
be 4.69%
decline 1.52%
deny 1.31%
tell 1.13%
have 1.07%
refuse 1.01%
confirm 0.91%
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welcome 0.10%
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