111.   Critics argue that landmines are an essential part of a military strategy.

112.   Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld outlined his plans to dramatically shift U.S. military strategy in a private meeting with President Bush, The Washington Post reported Thursday.

113.   For years, Civil War battlefield sites carefully listed and diagramed troop movements, military strategies and death tolls.

114.   France has floated an even more ambitious military strategy than the Americans, which would send thousands of French troops to Muslim enclaves.

115.   He now talks more about budgets and construction projects than military strategy.

116.   He says his pain is eased -- if only a little -- by seeing an ill-fated military strategy finally laid to rest.

117.   In military strategy, leaving is a tough call.

118.   In two days of talks, the military chiefs finalized a new military strategy the NATO leaders are to adopt at a summit in Washington in April.

119.   It dominates military strategy and, in a nation of citizen-soldiers, permeates Israeli thinking on a much wider scale.

120.   Ivo Daalder, a military analyst at the Brookings Institution, said the U.S. military strategy is paying off.

a. + strategy >>共 1379
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marketing 4.26%
different 2.17%
long-term 2.10%
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military + n. >>共 632
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