111.   But he confirmed at least one civilian has been killed in the military offensive.

112.   But it was not clear how much damage had been caused by the military offensives.

113.   But the latest attacks demonstrated that despite repeated military offensives, the rebels are still strong enough to inflict serious damage.

114.   But, if confirmed, the report would make Abed Rabbo, the Palestinian information minister, the first senior Palestinian official detained in the weeklong Israeli military offensive.

115.   Carrying supplies for the ongoing military offensive, it crashed into the sea, the officials said on condition of anonymity.

116.   Chechen rebels braced for new fighting Sunday after columns of Russian armor headed to the east of the breakaway republic in an apparent buildup for a military offensive.

117.   Chief Minister Farooq Abdullah told reporters Friday that state and federal authorities were planning a major military offensive against Muslim militants blamed for the massacres.

118.   Concerned that fighting in Bosnia could endanger peace talks, the Security Council on Thursday unanimously urged a halt to military offensives in the country.

119.   Defense Secretary Renato de Villa said the military will check into reports that rebels displaced by military offensives are regrouping for an attack.

120.   Deployments by Britain and the United Nations have put pressure on the rebels, as have increasing military offensives by neighboring Guinea this year.

a. + offensive >>共 353
military 13.77%
major 10.12%
new 6.41%
croatian 4.80%
israeli 4.62%
serb 3.86%
russian 3.86%
latest 3.40%
diplomatic 2.61%
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military + n. >>共 632
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