111.   At the core of this clash of the weeklies is a perception of fundamental changes, particularly in Europe, in the last decade.

112.   At the same time, the definition of a New Yorker cartoon has changed over the last decade.

113.   At the same time, American prime-time lineups in the last decade have emphasized comedy, which traditionally does not travel well.

114.   At the very least, the most opulent behavior of the last decade has become more difficult to justify.

115.   At the same time, many companies are discovering the downside of the rampant decentralization of the last decade.

116.   At least, though, the fare increases mean the subway system will continue to get better, as it has over the last decade, right?

117.   At Universal Pictures many employees have lasted longer than any of the foreign owners who bought and sold it the last decade.

118.   At the same time, the federal government reported a substantial increase in domestic bombing incidents over the last decade.

119.   Back at home, meanwhile, telecommuters, who have surged in number over the last decade, are feeling a bit, well, ignored.

120.   Banks have swallowed up virtually all trust and loans companies and most securities dealers over the last decade following rule changes in those industries, he said.

a. + decade >>共 262
past 33.50%
last 29.92%
next 12.70%
recent 7.29%
coming 2.07%
previous 1.06%
first 1.02%
early 0.68%
second 0.53%
following 0.52%
last + n. >>共 522
season 13.70%
year 7.78%
summer 7.20%
fall 5.24%
time 4.81%
weekend 4.53%
week 4.10%
day 3.19%
spring 3.07%
month 2.95%
decade 2.35%
每页显示:    共 2016