111.   The explorers were commissioned by Thomas Jefferson to find a land route to the Pacific.

112.   The government soldiers are battling to open a land route to the government-controlled Jaffna Peninsula.

113.   The Muslim-Croat federation has reduced the number of front lines in Bosnia, improved civilian life in many central Bosnian communities and reopened land routes from Croatia.

114.   The humanitarian airlift, shut down in April by Serb attacks, was operating smoothly Saturday, along with the land routes.

115.   The latest battle is part of an attempt to open a land route to the government-controlled Jaffna Peninsula.

116.   The land route can also be dangerous.

117.   The loss of the Palali air base would leave government soldiers trapped in the peninsula with no land route available to leave.

118.   The military controls all land supply routes.

119.   The military last month launched an offensive to clear the land route, but the advance has halted after two fierce rebel counterattacks.

120.   The northern land routes are open and in opposition hands, but are considered dangerous because of marauding warlords who routinely hijack convoys.

n. + route >>共 562
escape 9.22%
supply 8.44%
parade 6.17%
land 5.84%
transit 3.72%
air 3.66%
bus 3.19%
pass 2.26%
pipeline 1.82%
access 1.76%
land + n. >>共 628
dispute 4.03%
route 3.90%
price 3.51%
deal 3.12%
use 2.97%
ownership 2.91%
sale 2.73%
right 2.56%
claim 2.22%
owner 2.11%
每页显示:    共 208