111.   Plaintiffs had to show more proof of fraud in pretrial hearings or judges could dismiss the suits.

112.   Prior to the verdict, the judge had dismissed two counts.

113.   Prosecutors have tried in the past to charge him with murder but judges have dismissed those charges.

114.   Relatives of one other veteran filed a lawsuit in St. Louis, but a judge dismissed it last year, saying it missed the statute of limitations deadline.

115.   Salomon Analyst Is Cleared A federal judge dismissed insider trading charges filed by the SEC against a Salomon Brothers analyst and his father.

116.   Starr indicted him again on tax charges, but a federal judge dismissed the case earlier this year.

117.   That statute allows judges to dismiss defamation cases involving political advertisements before the legal discovery process begins.

118.   The city denied the charges and a judge dismissed them.

119.   The district attorney did not press charges, and a judge dismissed the custody case.

120.   The judge dismissed her, saying he knows the station airs news shows because he listens to the station himself.

n. + dismiss >>共 481
official 12.83%
judge 10.47%
court 5.63%
government 4.94%
analyst 2.51%
critic 2.36%
company 2.00%
leader 1.89%
president 1.71%
spokesman 1.53%
judge + v. >>共 595
say 9.56%
rule 7.92%
order 6.05%
be 4.88%
have 3.09%
decide 2.20%
dismiss 1.88%
reject 1.69%
find 1.69%
agree 1.65%
每页显示:    共 286