111.   Arafat seeks Arab League support against Israeli settlers.

112.   Armed Israeli settlers have begun conducting patrols and escorts along key roads connecting settlements in the West Bank with Jerusalem, settler spokesman Yeshoshua Mor-Yosef said.

113.   Arafat said he was willing to allow hundreds of U.N. troops into Hebron to protect Israeli settlers in the city.

114.   At one point, the marchers blocked the main road running through Dura with boulders and hurled rocks at an Israeli police van and cars belonging to Israeli settlers.

115.   Avi Farhan, an Israeli settler in northern Sinai, said he heard gunshots aimed at a car before the Palestinians entered the firing range.

116.   Barak has said he is willing to consider ceding most of the strategic plateau despite opposition from Israeli settlers living there.

117.   But troops rarely destroy homes of Israeli settlers.

118.   Clashes broke out Saturday between Palestinians residents and Israeli settlers and soldiers in Hebron, as a U.S. mediator was set to resume contacts with leaders of both sides.

119.   Clashes broke out between Palestinians residents and Israeli settlers and soldiers in Hebron Saturday, as a U.S. mediator was set to resume mediation between Israelis and Palestinians.

120.   Earlier reports said gunmen fired at the Israeli settler bus that was headed to the Hebron area.

a. + settler >>共 252
jewish 58.85%
israeli 9.02%
early 2.81%
white 2.64%
european 2.11%
first 1.38%
armed 1.32%
militant 1.20%
british 0.97%
muslim 0.82%
israeli + n. >>共 522
soldier 9.04%
troop 8.97%
army 7.42%
official 5.03%
force 3.54%
government 2.92%
police 2.15%
tank 2.03%
security 1.84%
leader 1.69%
settler 0.47%
每页显示:    共 306