111.   Varathep said the opposition wants to inform the public about corruption and irregularities in the government of Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai, who took the post three months ago.

112.   Furthermore, Germany is a very special case when it comes to informing the public because of its decentralised structure and its wealth of different media.

113.   Clinton urged journalists to go to Oklahoma City and continue to keep the public informed about developments in the case.

114.   The officials want to try to establish how the presence of the herbicide was kept secret and why the public was not informed about the scare earlier.

115.   They added that investigators did not immediately inform the public about the find because they feared it would hamper the investigation.

116.   The World Health Organization downplayed the threat of an epidemic, saying the Senegalese government was taking the necessary health measures and informing the public.

117.   It also condemned the government for preventing the local and international media from freely reporting on events and informing the public.

118.   It also condemned the Algerian government for preventing the local and international media from freely reporting on events and informing the public.

119.   Ministry sources said they decided to inform the public of the number of missiles launched to quell speculation and lingering anxiety here.

120.   Some reports of Nitrofen contamination date back to December last year and Kuenast has launched an investigation to find out why the public was not informed earlier.

v. + public >>共 491
educate 6.77%
protect 5.02%
inform 4.67%
mislead 3.23%
serve 2.30%
warn 2.06%
reassure 1.83%
reach 1.48%
keep 1.48%
take 1.48%
inform + n. >>共 480
police 6.28%
public 5.50%
authority 4.86%
government 2.89%
official 2.84%
family 2.75%
people 2.71%
customer 1.88%
member 1.60%
employee 1.51%
每页显示:    共 119