111.   Hotel guests were waking up after a night of revelry and gathering in the lounge for morning coffee.

112.   Hotel guests, including four Iranians, blamed vibrations for the collapse.

113.   Hotel guests and staff, including nine Americans, were trapped in the lobby.

114.   Hotel guests hid between tables in the lobby, Ercan said.

115.   Hotel guests complained of loud noises coming from her room.

116.   Hotel guests were evacuated overnight.

117.   Hotel guests were hiding between tables in the lobby, Ercan said.

118.   Hotel guests, including four Iranians, blamed vibrations from a nearby subway for the collapse.

119.   Hotel guests, who were accomodated in other hotels after the fire, were being brought by buses Saturday morning to the Olympik hotel to pick up their belongings.

120.   In a statement, the U.S. consul said extremist elements could particularly target U.S. government facilities, but the threat also extended to tourists and hotel guests.

n. + guest >>共 157
hotel 22.58%
dinner 12.90%
house 11.08%
celebrity 6.73%
surprise 3.09%
talk-show 1.82%
mystery 1.82%
government 1.68%
weekend 1.40%
quarter 1.40%
hotel + n. >>共 691
room 28.59%
lobby 3.62%
chain 3.46%
suite 2.72%
manager 2.35%
guest 2.12%
industry 2.00%
owner 1.88%
employee 1.66%
company 1.63%
每页显示:    共 160