111.   Ms. Kirshbaum has no nurse or secretary and only one-and-a-half guidance counselors.

112.   No longer are they dependent on their parents and guidance counselors to point them to a particular university.

113.   Now a bed-and-breakfast, the inn is owned by former Texans Bev and Rusty Yates, a former school guidance counselor and architect.

114.   Officials from the Educational Testing Service have already questioned students at Horace Greeley High School in Chappaqua, a guidance counselor there said.

115.   On schedule to graduate with a major in sociology, Ellerbe envisions a career as a school guidance counselor.

116.   Once there, the guidance counselor called Dartmouth to ask what had been his downfall.

117.   One of my best friends went to see her high school guidance counselor at the end of her junior year.

118.   One guidance counselor Bailey did have in the AHL was former Bruins goalie Ross Brooks.

119.   Once those requirements were agreed on, guidance counselors began telling high-school students and their parents what they would need for college.

120.   Parents who turn to this industry have already made the rounds of doctors, therapists, clergy members and guidance counselors.

n. + counselor >>共 167
guidance 21.39%
school 9.01%
grief 6.62%
career 6.62%
marriage 5.43%
drug 4.13%
health 3.15%
investment 2.39%
crisis 2.06%
job 1.95%
guidance + n. >>共 60
counselor 42.73%
system 28.20%
note 2.82%
office 2.17%
computer 1.95%
technology 1.74%
program 1.08%
equipment 0.87%
device 0.87%
material 0.87%
每页显示:    共 196