111.   But he urged the U.S. side to clearly explain the reason for the bombing.

112.   Clinton sent a letter to Yasser Arafat to explain his reasons for the attack on Iraq which has placed the Palestinian leader in a difficult position.

113.   Clinton sent a letter to Yasser Arafat to explain his reasons for the attack, which has placed the Palestinian leader in a difficult position.

114.   Croft also issued a statement explaining his reasons for skipping the tour.

115.   Even though Scalia did not explain his reasons, the younger Luttig once served as his law clerk and Scalia has known the family since that time.

116.   Gafur said Sofjan should show up and explain the reason for his Australian trip or the public would continue to speculate.

117.   He also explained one reason he took the unusual step of issuing separate findings of fact and conclusions of law.

118.   He did not explain the reason for the delay.

119.   He did not explain the reasons.

120.   He did not explain the reason for the delay in contacting the office.

v. + reason >>共 360
have 40.02%
give 19.58%
see 8.10%
cite 6.38%
find 3.29%
explain 2.52%
offer 1.98%
know 1.34%
provide 1.19%
understand 0.84%
explain + n. >>共 1380
decision 3.64%
reason 3.51%
difference 2.29%
action 2.25%
situation 1.97%
position 1.75%
discrepancy 1.29%
problem 1.25%
thing 1.14%
phenomenon 1.02%
每页显示:    共 209