111.   Deputies said the new association would be set up within the next few days.

112.   Deputies said demonstrators should come back Monday when parliament convenes for an extraordinary meeting.

113.   Deputies said the easy accessibility of illegal arms is partly to blame for a recent spate of violent crimes, including several shootings.

114.   Deputies say Christian values are firmly entrenched in the official draft though the latter also makes reference to the convictions of unbelievers.

115.   Even pro-government Kuwaiti deputies said the government failed to take adequate measures.

116.   The PDK wants a power-sharing agreement on the makeup of the next government before offering its support to Rugova for the presidency, a PDK deputy said.

117.   Left wing opposition deputies have said they will boycott his address to parliament on Tuesday.

118.   Left-wing opposition deputies have said they will boycott his address to parliament on Tuesday.

119.   Meanwhile, some democratic deputies said the significance of the change should not be exaggerated.

120.   Nine Meretz deputies said they would participate in a similar march next Friday from Tulkarm to Jenin, two autonomous Palestinian towns in the north of the West Bank.

n. + say >>共 480
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deputy 0.03%
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say 6.75%
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