111.   Smith and Chenowith were supported by militia activists in their campaigns against Democratic incumbents.

112.   Sims had to run uphill, trying to unseat a Republican senator in a year when Democratic incumbents were fighting for their political lives across the country.

113.   Some used the occasion to take partisan shots at the Democratic incumbent.

114.   Some looked upon Rockefeller as a sacrificial lamb to run against Gov. W. Averell Harriman, the Democratic incumbent.

115.   Some Democratic incumbents who are women have come under attack from Republican challengers who accuse them of having a double standard on sexual harassment.

116.   Some Democratic incumbents, particularly in the South and rural areas, feared the scandal might work against them.

117.   Still, Holt is seen by both parties as one of the two most endangered Democratic incumbents in November, along with Michael Forbes of Long Island.

118.   Sunday, Pataki hopes to campaign with Gov. Christie Whitman of New Jersey, whose own tax-cut message brought her victory over a Democratic incumbent last year.

119.   That, of course, is also good news for Democratic incumbents.

120.   That leaves four Republicans vying to challenge the Democratic incumbent, Robert G. Torricelli, this fall.

a. + incumbent >>共 156
democratic 24.48%
republican 22.82%
popular 3.87%
congressional 3.18%
vulnerable 2.21%
longtime 2.21%
current 1.52%
black 1.52%
the 1.24%
only 1.11%
democratic + n. >>共 530
candidate 5.81%
leader 5.70%
reform 4.34%
nomination 3.09%
senator 2.47%
primary 2.37%
nominee 1.81%
election 1.49%
lawmaker 1.42%
president 1.42%
incumbent 0.85%
每页显示:    共 176