111.   This will continue to dampen enthusiasm for Hong Kong stocks, he said.

112.   Voeller sought to dampen the enthusiasm.

113.   International tension in the Middle East and Kashmir also dampened investor enthusiasm, and the outlook for corporate profits remained murky as well.

114.   But Labour would not let their enthusiasm be dampened.

115.   Traders enthusiasm was dampened somewhat after Clarke said a better fiscal picture might lessen the need for tighter monetary policy via higher interest rates.

116.   The vast distances involved in this landkocked, semi-desert country did nothing to dampen the enthusiasm of investors.

117.   Uncertain weather predictions for this weekend in no way dampened the enthusiasm of the fans.

118.   Witnesses said heavy security failed to dampen enthusiasm, as long lines formed outside each of the eight cinema halls.

119.   Moscow imposed a crippling economic blockade on the republic but without apparently dampening enthusiasm for independence.

120.   Sri Lankans are cricket crazy and the ethnic divide has not dampened the enthusiasm when the national team plays against any other nation.

v. + enthusiasm >>共 266
show 10.70%
dampen 9.38%
share 6.28%
have 5.66%
express 5.04%
temper 4.81%
generate 4.03%
lose 3.10%
bring 1.63%
contain 1.55%
dampen + n. >>共 280
sentiment 9.43%
demand 8.03%
enthusiasm 7.36%
hope 4.26%
expectation 4.26%
growth 3.47%
speculation 3.22%
spirit 2.86%
part 2.68%
activity 2.01%
每页显示:    共 120