111.   Another cut would be the seventh of the year.

112.   And while he expressed the hope that no more big cuts would be necessary, he said he could not rule them out.

113.   Any cuts in AFRL are likely to have a big impact on Wright-Pat.

114.   Any interest rate cuts would likely be small, as the Fed has already cut rates six times this year.

115.   And with new legislatures being sworn in across the country this month, tax cuts are clearly on the horizon.

116.   Any cut was bound to raise howls of pain from Frankfurt arts administrators.

117.   AOL Time Warner said its cuts are primarily to reduce duplication in interactive areas and corporate operations.

118.   Are tax cuts dead for this year?

119.   Are tax cuts good for the economy?

120.   As a fiscal conservative, Chaffee believes the tax cut is three times larger than prudent.

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cut + v. >>共 562
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