111.   Equity investors are getting blamed and taking it on the chin for what government officials, currency traders and bond traders are doing.

112.   Fand said that currency traders are more worried about the impact of impeachment on the dollar than bond and stock traders.

113.   Fernando Medina, chief currency trader at Banco Atlantico, said he bought marks for yen today.

114.   Ferrell, like other currency traders, has made some money as the dollar has fallen, but it has little conviction that this is a sustained trend.

115.   For currency traders, though, the biggest news from the meeting is likely to be the failure of Japan to deliver a concrete plan for stimulating its economy.

116.   Foreign currency traders also said the revised plan would drive down the value of the yen.

117.   He criticized currency traders, analysts and journalists for focusing on whether central banks will shift the currencies in which they hold their reserves once the euro is introduced.

118.   He once said a cabal of mainly Jewish currency traders had destroyed Asian countries by speculating against their currencies and forcing them to deplete their reserves.

119.   He said the dollar was primed for a fall long before currency traders abruptly drove it to record lows against the yen and the deutsche mark earlier this year.

120.   He was speaking at a private party of currency traders in Tokyo.

n. + trader >>共 231
currency 24.31%
bond 11.98%
day 8.69%
energy 4.76%
oil 4.42%
future 3.63%
market 3.00%
commodity 2.70%
rogue 2.36%
slave 1.52%
currency + n. >>共 555
market 12.93%
crisis 8.36%
dealing 6.95%
trader 5.95%
fluctuation 3.43%
board 2.99%
devaluation 2.79%
turmoil 2.56%
union 2.21%
speculator 1.80%
每页显示:    共 492