111.   The damage was caused by Bert not wearing the glasses.

112.   The plaintiff must prove that a duty of care was owed to him, that this was broken and that reasonably foreseeable damage was caused as a result.

113.   Emissions of sulphur and nitrogen oxides, ammonia, hydrochloric acid, chlorine and soot cause extensive damage to forests and inland waters.

114.   The damage is in part caused by the increasing incidence of road edges being dug up for laying pipes, cables and power lines.

115.   It is part of a research programme aimed at understanding the basic processes causing damage to trees and crops due to atmospheric pollution.

116.   In August, a trial burning produced a corrosive black cloud which caused damage worth millions of pounds to new cars stored nearby.

117.   The fighting in Croatia has caused severe damage to numerous environmentally-sensitive areas, according to a report compiled for the International Council for Bird Preservation.

118.   The research found that alpha rays may cause damage to cells which only becomes apparent much later when abnormal chromosomes appear.

119.   Five fires are sweeping through the area, and widespread damage has been caused to the International Friendship Park, classified as a UN heritage site.

120.   Although some damage is caused by illegal flytipping, most of the pollution arises from licensed sites.

v. + damage >>共 260
cause 22.89%
do 9.72%
seek 6.07%
suffer 5.90%
repair 4.75%
assess 4.66%
report 2.87%
inflict 2.17%
sustain 2.17%
pay 2.08%
cause + n. >>共 821
damage 8.58%
problem 6.70%
injury 3.26%
death 2.52%
explosion 2.10%
casualty 2.06%
delay 1.77%
accident 1.75%
crash 1.64%
concern 1.57%
每页显示:    共 2285