111.   On Wednesday, a Palestinian suicide bomber blew himself up on an Israeli commuter bus, killing himself and seven other passengers.

112.   On Wednesday, a suicide bomber blew himself up on on a bus near the port city of Haifa, killing himself and eight passengers.

113.   Police spokesman Kobi Zerayahu said a suicide bomber blew himself up next to a shoe shop.

114.   Soon after regular security contacts were suspended, a Palestinian bomber blew up three Israeli women and himself at a Tel Aviv cafe.

115.   That day a suicide bomber also blew up a bus stop near Ashkelon, killing one Israeli.

116.   Suicide bomber blows up at Jerusalem supermarket, killing herself and two Israelis.

117.   That was before a suicide bomber blew up a commuter bus during the morning rush hour Wednesday near the northern city of Haifa.

118.   The bomber blew himself up under a green canopy at the edge of a small park where immigrants from the former Soviet Union gathered nightly to play cards.

119.   The bomber blew herself up as police tried to question her outside the office of Prime Minister Sirimavo Bandaranaike, who was not in the building at the time.

120.   The bomber blew himself up in a small restaurant in downtown Herzliya, an upscale city north of Tel Aviv.

n. + blow >>共 752
wind 17.39%
bomber 5.18%
whistle 3.34%
bomb 2.94%
blast 2.65%
explosion 2.18%
storm 2.12%
car 1.89%
breeze 1.66%
rebel 1.66%
bomber + v. >>共 282
be 14.12%
blow 10.79%
kill 6.12%
strike 4.06%
come 4.00%
detonate 2.79%
die 2.61%
try 2.00%
have 1.94%
attack 1.94%
每页显示:    共 177