111.   The solution, the bishops assert, is to exclude abortion from any standard benefits package and allow individuals who desire abortion coverage to buy supplemental policies.

112.   The Washington state legislature is designing a benefit package for a new state health program.

113.   They said Clinton was wrong to offer new benefits to wealthier seniors, while Medicare is already stressed by the current benefit package.

114.   This option is needed, first, to ensure access to treatment where the standard benefits package is insufficient.

115.   This year, the Millipore Corp., a manufacturer of purification and filtration products in Bedford, Mass., added individual financial planning to its benefits package.

116.   Those pilots would receive enhanced retirement benefit packages.

117.   To achieve the latter, Reischauer said, providers will have to come up with enhanced benefit packages.

118.   To qualify for the substantial benefits package, employees must relinquish their rights to sue the company in the future.

119.   Under a Mitchell- or Gephardt-style plan the standard, government-decreed benefits package will become the focus of furious lobbying.

120.   Under the model being tried here, HMOs will bid on what they will charge Medicare for a standard benefits package.

n. + package >>共 834
aid 8.88%
stimulus 7.68%
reform 4.96%
severance 4.96%
rescue 4.87%
tax 3.28%
software 3.22%
bailout 3.02%
compensation 2.75%
benefit 2.16%
benefit + n. >>共 296
package 9.49%
plan 7.35%
program 6.61%
concert 6.48%
manager 4.74%
cut 4.41%
cost 4.07%
payment 2.87%
level 2.40%
system 2.14%
每页显示:    共 141