111.   The alliance said Wang indicated that a meeting with Koo, his Taiwan counterpart, could not be set up immediately.

112.   The alliance says its jets mistook the building for a Yugoslav military procurement department, and it pledges to continue its air campaign.

113.   The alliance says the airstrikes are aimed at Yugoslav military targets, and meant to halt a campaign of atrocities against the ethnic Albanians.

114.   The Council, made up of the NATO ambassadors, said the alliance is monitoring the situation in Albania closely and is being kept continuously informed.

115.   The GCC accused Iran of installing surface-to-surface missiles on the islands, which the Gulf Arab alliance said threatened the security of the region.

116.   The NATO alliance said Wednesday that Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic was not meeting international demands to restore peace in Kosovo.

117.   The northern alliance says he can be a unifying force, but cannot be head of state.

118.   The northern alliance says the ex-king can be a unifying force, but not head of state.

119.   The levels of software piracy in the Middle East and Africa are among the highest in the world, the alliance said in a report released last month.

120.   The NATO alliance said its warplanes and missiles again struck targets across Kosovo and Serbia hitting bridges, fuel depots, communications lines and command and control centers.

n. + say >>共 480
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alliance + v. >>共 550
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