111.   Adding protections under city law may make people think twice about maligning heavy people, advocates say.

112.   Advocates also said that the stereotype of the deadbeat dad as in jail or unemployed was a myth.

113.   Advocates for immigrants say the vast majority of the marriages are not purely for convenience, but some mix of love and reasonable worry.

114.   Advocates for legalization say ferrets fit in the palm of your hand and love people.

115.   Advocates of change said they hoped to ride the controversy over the business practices of the failed energy giant Enron and its lavish campaign donations to victory.

116.   Advocates of foreign aid say providing assistance to developing nations is vital for at least three reasons.

117.   Advocates of privatization say private companies can move people from welfare to work more cheaply, creatively and effectively than government.

118.   Advocates said it would save money, and Sen. Bob Dole of Kansas, the Republican leader, said the issue reflected a clear dvision between the parties.

119.   Advocates said such a measure would discourage lawmakers from cavalierly imposing new burdens on private industry.

120.   Advocates said that the biggest hurdle to utilizing the statute is that the federal government is unwilling to supply marijuana for research programs like the one in Texas.

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argue 3.16%
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