111.   To sit through a succession of fashion shows requires a certain kind of stamina.

112.   Unfortunately, the revelation that Kendall Gill is suffering from clinical depression prompts a certain kind of speculation.

113.   Watch someone explain the differences among a half-dozen kinds of shrimp from around the world, and shrimp will seem just slightly less confusing than nuclear physics.

114.   What gets lost is a certain kind of polish and formal organization.

115.   With a certain kind of meal, I want a certain kind of beer.

116.   With a certain kind of spirituality in play, low-speed enterprises like this can flourish.

117.   While Tubbs built a powerhouse at OU, Richardson did the same at Tulsa, which became a certain kind of destination for young coaches on the rise.

118.   With the show of Armenian art, the Megaron, as the site, helped to shape a certain kind of interpretation.

119.   You need a certain kind of innocuousness to appeal to that.

120.   You know you are in the presence of a certain kind of labor advocate when he begins to talk about the effective use of nuns as weapons.

a. + kind >>共 802
different 24.27%
same 16.80%
new 10.77%
right 3.00%
a 2.53%
the 2.14%
worst 2.00%
special 1.88%
particular 1.88%
wrong 1.65%
a + n. >>共 1334
extent 5.61%
level 5.07%
age 2.85%
kind 2.78%
point 2.63%
time 2.24%
degree 2.20%
way 2.11%
charge 1.80%
percentage 1.55%
每页显示:    共 123