101.   I assured her I looked forward to hearing the bustle of the city, and threw the windows wide open at bedtime.

102.   I flipped the ball back, looked downfield and saw Charles Jordan wide open.

103.   I remember gathering up our gang of neighborhood kids and ringing doorbells, paper grocery bags wide open.

104.   I walked in with my eyes wide open and worked extremely hard at it.

105.   I stood with my mouth wide open.

106.   I want to leave it wide open for maybe a Palestinian-Jordanian solution.

107.   If they are allowed to dry out and then watered heavily, they will respond with such exuberant growth that they split wide open.

108.   Imagine eating bologna sandwiches and going potty out in the wide open for years on end just because you were bad at math.

109.   In bitter winter weather he keeps the door and windows wide open because he insists he feels smothered.

110.   It helped Niedermayer that he was left wide open and that Kings defenseman Doug Zmolek screened Fiset when he shot.

a. + open >>共 211
wide 33.63%
game 9.20%
net 5.59%
left 2.96%
broke 1.75%
pried 1.64%
cracked 1.20%
spot 1.20%
only 1.10%
pop 1.10%
wide + n. >>共 485
range 22.46%
variety 9.11%
area 3.53%
margin 3.05%
open 2.96%
array 2.47%
support 2.05%
swath 1.31%
latitude 1.16%
power 1.07%
每页显示:    共 305