101.   Senators hope to consider in the waning days of Congress a bill allowing computer software and other high-tech companies to bring in more workers from abroad.

102.   The allegations were made by Walesa allies in the waning days of his presidency.

103.   The administration has been gradually acting on a number of proposed rules adopted by the Clinton administration in its waning days.

104.   The change was thrown in doubt Saturday when the White House imposed a moratorium on rules issued in the waning days of the Clinton administration.

105.   The items come from Berlin, where Hitler died in the waning days of the war.

106.   The National Hockey League situation became more interesting in its waning days, however, as divergent ownership factions began arguing with each other.

107.   The shuttle program, attacked as a costly white elephant during the waning days of the Soviet Union, was canceled before the Buran ever flew again.

108.   The shuttle program, attacked as costly during the waning days of the Soviet Union, was canceled before the Buran ever flew again.

109.   The survivors never forgot McVay, who was court-martialed for failing to evade the Japanese submarine that sank his ship during the waning days of World War II.

110.   The waning days of the campaign were marked by widespread ill will among the parties.

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