101.   Some Palestinian demonstrators made thinly veiled threats of violence should the summit fail.

102.   Some of the Palestinian demonstrators made thinly veiled threats of violence should the summit fail.

103.   The comments came after issuing what some considered a veiled threat against the court last week.

104.   The EU has been making veiled threats that it may pull out of the city.

105.   The hard-line communist North has made a career out of brinkmanship, using thinly veiled threats of nuclear war to wring billions of dollars in concessions from the West.

106.   The letter blocked by Britain would have refuted Canadian allegations of overfishing and contained a veiled threat of sanctions, EU officials said.

107.   The leader of a Hindu nationalist group trying to build a temple on the ruins of a mosque issued a veiled threat Thursday against Muslims shrines throughout India.

108.   The rebels maintained pressure on the chiefs Friday, issuing thinly veiled threats that the civil disturbances which have wracked the country in the past week could continue.

109.   The two sides met again on Tuesday under the cloud of veiled threats.

110.   The veiled threats of violence and reprisal came as Mousa Mohammed Abu Marzook, jailed in New York, dropped his fight against extradition.

a. + threat >>共 500
serious 5.58%
terrorist 4.61%
potential 3.55%
new 3.00%
biggest 2.94%
military 2.74%
immediate 2.39%
real 2.28%
greatest 2.24%
major 1.93%
veiled 1.29%
veiled + n. >>共 166
threat 20.99%
warning 9.94%
woman 8.01%
reference 8.01%
attack 5.61%
criticism 5.13%
attempt 3.21%
effort 1.28%
accusation 1.28%
hint 1.28%
每页显示:    共 130