101.   Timoney issued an order Tuesday saying vans used to transport suspects must be equipped to restrain them.

102.   They said they originated from Cyprus and the southern coast of Asia Minor, or modern-day Turkey, and were used to transport wine.

103.   Those who refused were killed, and women and children were used to transport looted goods for the rebels, said miner Alfred Kembeh.

104.   U.S. officials said Iranian vessels were reportedly being used to transport Iraqi products surreptitiously to markets elsewhere in the Persian Gulf.

105.   Trucks were used to transport shipments to and from seaports.

106.   Zambia, whose ports on Lake Tanganyika can be used to transport goods to and from Burundi, attended as an observer.

107.   He said that UNRWA would have to replace Palestinian drivers used to transport food and other goods with international ones.

108.   Helicopters will also be used to transport health workers in the area.

109.   A month later, they blocked land routes which had been used to transport some aid deliveries into the city in the past.

110.   An employee at the petrol station said police thought the lorry might have been used to transport explosives.

v. + transport >>共 27
use 79.62%
build 3.82%
deploy 1.27%
appeal 0.64%
assess 0.64%
attack 0.64%
authorise 0.64%
await 0.64%
block 0.64%
demote 0.64%
use + v. >>共 1194
make 6.49%
treat 2.74%
help 2.61%
pay 1.94%
buy 1.44%
be 1.40%
produce 1.34%
build 1.26%
finance 1.25%
create 1.11%
transport 0.70%
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