101.   Terrorists are thought to have used the system to transfer funds, leaving no trace of their actions.

102.   The defendant transferred funds from customers to his account after acquiring the computer passwords of the subordinates, he said.

103.   The Citibank system allows customers to transfer funds into other banks.

104.   The funds will be transferred electronically within the week, Childress said.

105.   The suit alleges that the funds were transferred to failed investments and pocketed by Bogdonoff and others.

106.   The two parties will battle over giving states more freedom to combine or transfer funds they get for such programs.

107.   They are designed to give more Quicken customers the broader ability to move money around via personal computer, such as paying bills or transferring funds between accounts.

108.   This, Lim said, was to do justice to Malaysian Chinese millionaires who had not transferred their funds out, as well as to all Malaysian Chinese.

109.   They say deposits must be transferred to special accounts, and ask for account information and authorization to transfer funds to the accounts, according to police.

110.   This means that, before any funds are transferred to the Philippines, the Manila government will have to give its formal agreement to the terms of the deal.

v. + fund >>共 494
raise 11.19%
use 8.73%
provide 3.16%
receive 2.73%
have 2.13%
set_up 2.09%
manage 2.03%
establish 1.33%
allocate 1.24%
seek 1.20%
transfer 1.17%
transfer + n. >>共 983
money 5.68%
power 4.21%
fund 2.81%
case 2.35%
technology 1.98%
datum 1.60%
mixture 1.58%
asset 1.54%
information 1.36%
file 1.27%
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