101.   Despite those numbers, there were some wild cards that could tip the balance.

102.   Each party is courting the Khmer Rouge defectors, whose military skills could tip the balance in elections next year widely expected to be violent.

103.   Faced with the need for much deeper military involvement to tip the balance in Bosnia, the Clinton administration appears to be rethinking its position.

104.   Gore did pick up a few hundred votes, but not enough to tip the balance.

105.   Had he and Gore won the White House, a Republican could have been appointed to replace him in the Senate, tipping the balance to the GOP.

106.   Gore and Bush are close in Washington state, too, where a strong showing by Nader could tip the balance.

107.   If Brussels does throw its weight behind one candidate, that may well tip the balance enough to decide the contest.

108.   It could theoretically tip the balance against the government in a no-confidence vote.

109.   It takes only one to tip the balance.

110.   It was two key changes for the second half that tipped the balance.

v. + balance >>共 312
lose 9.99%
strike 9.11%
tip 5.87%
maintain 4.70%
find 3.62%
achieve 3.62%
keep 3.41%
restore 3.08%
have 3.08%
regain 3.00%
tip + n. >>共 207
balance 14.48%
scale 11.29%
hand 9.55%
cap 8.93%
hat 8.73%
ball 7.29%
pass 2.16%
economy 1.95%
puck 1.95%
police 1.75%
每页显示:    共 140