101.   Another problem is that tension has increased between Zaire and Rwanda following an attack on another refugee camp in early March.

102.   The Thursday protest began peacefully but tension increased after the arrival at the forum of Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

103.   Meanwhile tension has increased between Christians and Moslem fundamentalists, especially in the Bethlehem region south of Jerusalem.

104.   NATO Secretary General Javier Solana said Friday in Madrid that he expects tensions to increase in the Pacific region in the coming years.

105.   Rubalcaba, speaking after a cabinet meeting, said that tension had increased in the areas of Bosnia where Spanish UNPROFOR troops were deployed.

106.   Tension has increased over the Spratlys since China recently raised its military presence in the area.

107.   Tension increased over the weekend when the two neighbours in the Arab Peninsula were reported to be massing troops near the border.

108.   Tension increased over the weekend when the two neighbours in the Arabian Peninsula were reported to be massing troops near the border.

109.   Tensions increased between Matsushita and MCA executives after the latter demanded more independence from its parent company last year.

110.   Tensions have increased between the two countries in recent months as both sides have carried out military maneuvers.

n. + increase >>共 1887
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number 2.05%
sale 1.73%
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tension + v. >>共 336
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rise 8.97%
remain 6.71%
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run 3.16%
increase 2.86%
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