101.   Ten other states have passed such rights laws.

102.   That state has passed a law allowing the transfer, but has yet to call for bids from private companies.

103.   That the Salesians would report clerical abuse in Massachusetts, where Father Nugent had also worked, when and if the state passed a law requiring it.

104.   That was before Texas and a dozen other states passed veggie libel laws.

105.   That, they say, would require the state to pass a broad-based tax, like a personal income tax or general sales tax.

106.   The Assembly passed the bill Monday, and the state Senate passed an identical bill last week.

107.   The Colorado state Legislature passed a resolution seconding this idea and demanding that Stern be censured for his remarks.

108.   The Congressional welfare proposal in effect bans higher grants to welfare families having additional children unless a state passes a law to the contrary.

109.   The House version, backed by President Bush, gives narrower rights to sue and would overrule some of the patient protection laws passed by states.

110.   The issue of executing retarded people has been particularly controversial in Texas, where the state Legislature recently passed a measure banning such action.

n. + pass >>共 1728
bill 5.66%
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day 1.90%
government 1.70%
legislation 1.39%
state + v. >>共 907
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